
In jobflow-remote the Runner refers to one or more processes that handle the whole execution of the jobflow workflows, including the interaction with the worker and the writing of the outputs in the JobStore.

The way the Job states change based on the action of the Runner has already been described in the introductory Working principles section. This section will instead focus on the technical aspects of the runner execution.


As explained in the Setup options section, and exemplified in the figure below, the Runner process must have access to all required resources as specified in the project configuration. In particular all the workers, the MongoDB database defined in the queue section and the output JobStore.

Runner daemon

Runner processes#

The Runner performs different tasks, mainly divided in

  1. checking out jobs from database to start a Flow execution

  2. updating the states of the Jobs in the queue database

  3. interacting with the worker hosts to upload/download files and check the job status

  4. inserting the output data in the output JobStore

While all these can be executed in a single process, to speed up the execution of the jobs, the default option is to start different daemonized processes, each of which takes care of one of the actions listed above. In addition, if many Jobs need to be dealt with simultaneously, it is also possible to start multiple independent processes that will deal with the tasks 3 and 4. This can allow to increase the throughput.


This means that multiple instances of the Runner process are simultaneously running on the machine, each one requiring a certain amount of memory. If the system memory is a limiting factor, all the actions can be executed in a single process by starting the daemon with the --single option.

When activated from the CLI, these run as daemonized processes, that are handled by Supervisor. The CLI, through the DaemonManager object, will provide an interface to interact with the daemon and start, stop and kill the Runner processes.

Process management#


The Runner is usually started using the CLI command:

jf runner start

This will start the Supervisor process, that will then spawn the single or multiple Runner processes. Note that the command will not wait for all the processes to start, so the successful completion of the command does not necessarily imply that all the Runner processes are active. The number of runner processes can only be managed at start time. The --single option will run all the actions described in the previous section in a single process, instead that in multiple ones, which is the default. The --transfer and --complete options allow to increase the number of processes dedicated to the steps 3 and 4.


The Runner reads the project configurations when the processes is started and does not attempt to refresh them during the execution. Whenever the project configuration is changed the Runner needed the runner needs to be restarted.


Executing the stop command:

jf runner stop

relies on Supervisor to send a SIGTERM signal (a termination signal that allows the process to exit cleanly) to all the Runner processes. In this case the supervisor process will remain active. Unless the --wait option is specified, the completion of the command will not imply that all the Runner processes have been terminated.


The Runner is designed to recognize the signal and wait for the completion of the action being performed, before actually exiting.


Since the supervisor process remains active, when starting the runner again after a stop it is not possible to switch from a single process to a split configuration or the other way round. It is necessary to shut down the whole daemon in that case.


Shutting down the runner with the command:

jf runner shutdown

is equivalent to the Stop, except that also the Supervisor process will be stopped.


It is possible to directly kill all the processes, without sending the SIGTERM signal and thus without waiting for the current action to be completed with the command:

jf runner kill


If an was action was being performed, it is possible that the database may be left in an inconsistent state and/or that the Job that was being processed will be locked, as the runner puts an explicit lock on the document while working on a Job and/or on a Flow. See the Runner errors and Locked jobs section for how to handle these cases.


It is possible to get an overall state of the runner daemon executing:

jf runner status

This returns a custom global state defined in jobflow-remote. Typical values are shut_down, stopped and running. A partially_running state means that some of the daemonized processes are active, while other are either not yet started or have been stopped. To get more details about the single processes it is possible to run:

jf runner info

This prints a table like:

┃ Process                                      ┃ PID   ┃ State   ┃
│ supervisord                                  │ 12305 │ RUNNING │
│ runner_daemon_checkout:run_jobflow_checkout  │ 90127 │ RUNNING │
│ runner_daemon_complete:run_jobflow_complete0 │ 90128 │ RUNNING │
│ runner_daemon_queue:run_jobflow_queue        │ 90129 │ RUNNING │
│ runner_daemon_transfer:run_jobflow_transfer0 │ 90130 │ RUNNING │

providing the state of each individual daemon process and its system process ID.

Running daemon check#

There are no strict limitations to which machine should be used to execute the Runner as a daemon, and, as explained in the Setup options section, there are several possible configurations. It is thus possible for a user to mistakenly start the runner daemon on two different locations. While this should not corrupt the database, thanks to the locking mechanism, it may still generate errors since the Job outputs could be downloaded from one of the runners and another one may try to complete it, but without having access to the downloaded files. This can be confusing as a user may be unaware that a runner is already active on some machine. To mitigate the possibility of this to occur, jobflow-remote also adds information in the database about the machine where a Runner daemon is started. The code will then prevent the system to start a daemon on a different machine. All the commands will instead be allowed if the information about the machine where are executed match those in the database. If a machine where a Runner was previously active was switched off without explicitly stopping it, the database will still consider that daemon to be active. To start the daemon on another machine, if it is certain that Runner is not active anymore, it is possible to clean the database reference to the previous process with the command:

jf runner reset

A new Runner daemon can then be started anywhere.


This procedure is applied only for Runner processes started as a daemon. No check is done and no data is added to the database if the Runner is started directly. See the Direct execution section below.

Backoff algorithm#

While performing its actions on the Jobs, the Runner processes may incur in some issues. For example a connection error may occur. In order to avoid overloading the processes and/or the resources, when such an error occurs the process will not immediately retry to execute the action, but wait an increasingly larger amount of time before retrying. After three failures, the Job will be set to the REMOTE_ERROR state. See the Remote errors for more details.

Direct execution#

It is not the standard usage, but in some cases, for example during development or debugging, it may be useful to run the Runner processes directly and not as a daemon. The simplest option to do that would be to run:

jf runner run

This will start a single Runner process performing all the actions. Similarly, it is also possible to execute this from the python API with the code below