Projects configuration and Settings#
Jobflow-remote allows to handle multiple configurations, defined projects. Since for most of the users a single project is enough let us first consider the configuration of a single project. The handling of Multiple Projects will be described below.
Aside from the project options, a set of General Settings - Environment variables can be also be configured through environment variables or an additional configuration file.
Project options#
The project configurations allow to control the behaviour of the Job execution, as well as the other objects in jobflow-remote. Here a full description of the project’s configuration file will be given. If you are looking for a minimal example with its description you can find it in the Configuration section.
The specifications of the project’s attributes are given by the Project
model, that serves the purpose of parsing and validating the configuration files, as
well as giving access to the associated objects (e.g. the JobStore
A graphical representation of the Project
model and thus of the options available
in the configuration file is given below (generated with erdantic)

A description for all the types and keys of the project file is given in the Project specs section below, while an example for a full configuration file can be generated running:
jf project generate --full YOUR_PROJECT_NAME
Note that, while the default file format is YAML, JSON and TOML are also acceptable format.
You can generate the example in the other formats using the --format
Name and folders#
The project name is given by the name
attribute. The name will be used to create
a subfolder containing
files with the parsed outputs copied from the remote workers
files used by the daemon
For all these folders the paths are set with defaults, but can be customised setting
, log_dir
and daemon_dir
The project name does not take into consideration the configuration file name. For coherence it would be better to give use the project name as file name.
Multiple workers can be defined in a project. In the configuration file they are given with their name as keyword, and their properties in the contained dictionary.
Several defining properties should be set in the configuration of each workers.
First it should be specified the type
. At the moment the possible worker types are
: a worker running on the same system as theRunner
. No connection is needed for theRunner
to reach the queueing system.remote
: a worker on a different machine than theRunner
, requiring an SSH connection to reach it.
Since the Runner
needs to constantly interact with the workers, for the latter
type all the credentials to connect automatically should be provided. The best option
would be to set up a passwordless connection and define it in the ~/.ssh/config
The other key property of the workers is the scheduler_type
. It can be any of the
values supported by the qtoolkit. Typical
values are:
: the Job is executed directly in the shell. No queue will be used. If not limited, all the Jobs can be executed simultaneouslyslurm
, …: the name of a queueing system. The job will be submitted to the queue with the selected resources.
Another mandatory argument is work_dir
, indicating the full path for a folder
on the worker machine where the Jobs will be actually executed.
It is possible to optionally select default values for keywords like pre_run
and resources
, that can be overridden for individual Jobs. Note that these
configurations will be applied to all the Jobs executed by the worker. These
are thus more suitable for generic settings (e.g. the activation of a python
environment, or loading of some modules), rather than for the specific code
configurations. Those can better be set with the Execution configurations.
If a single worker is defined it will be used as default in the submission of new Flows.
By default, jobflow-remote fetches the status of the jobs from the scheduler by
passing the list of ids. If the selected scheduler does not support this option
(e.g. SGE), it is also necessary to specify the username on the worker machine
through the scheduler_username
option. Jobflow-remote will use that as a filter,
instead of the list of ids.
The jobstore
value contains a dictionary representation of the standard
object defined in jobflow. It can either be the serialized
version as obtained by the as_dict
module or the representation defined
in jobflow’s documentation.
This JobStore
will be used to store the outputs of all the Jobs executed
in this project.
The JobStore
should be defined in jobflow-remote’s configuration file.
The content of the standard jobflow configuration file will be ignored.
Queue Store#
The queue
element contains the definition of the database containing the
state of the Jobs and Flows. The subelement store
should contain the
representation of a maggma Store
As for the JobStore
it can be either its serialization or the same kind
of representation used for the docs_store
in jobflow’s configuration file.
The collection defined by the Store
will contain the information about the
state of the Job
, while two more collections will be created. The name
of these two collections can also be customized.
The queue Store
should be a subclass of the MongoStore
and currently
it should be based on a real MongoDB (e.g. not a JSONStore
Some key operations required by jobflow-remote on the collections are not
supported by any file based MongoDB implementation at the moment.
Execution configurations#
It is possible to define a set of ExecutionConfig
objects to quickly set up
configurations for different kind of Jobs and Flow. The exec_config
contains a dictionary where the keys are the names associated to the configurations
and for each a set of instruction to be set before and after the execution of the Job.
Runner options#
The behaviour of the Runner
can also be customized to some extent. In particular
the Runner
implements an exponential backoff mechanism for retrying when an
operation of updating of a Job state fails. The amount of tries and the delay between
them can be set max_step_attempts
and delta_retry
values. In addition some
reasonable values are set for the delay between each check of the database for
different kind of actions performed by the Runner
. These intervals can be
changed to better fit your needs. Remind that reducing these intervals too much
may put unnecessary strain on the database.
While this does currently not play any role in the execution of jobflow-remote, this can be used to include some additional information to be used by external tools or to quickly distinguish a configuration file among others.
Multiple Projects#
While a single project can be enough for most of the users and for beginners,
it may be convenient to define different databases, configurations and python
environments to work on different topics. For this reason jobflow-remote will
consider as potential projects configuration all the YAML, JSON and TOML files
in the ~/.jfremote
folder. There is no additional procedure required to
add or remove project, aside from creating/deleting a project configuration file.
Different projects are meant to use different Queue Stores. Sharing the same collections for two projects is not a supported option.
To define the Queue Store for multiple projects two options are available:
each project has its own database, with standard collection names
a single database is used and each project is assigned a set of collections. For example, a configuration for one of the projects could be:
queue: store: type: MongoStore database: DB_NAME collection_name: jobs_project1 ... flows_collection: flows_project1 auxiliary_collection: jf_auxiliary_project1
And the same for a second project with different collection names.
There is no constraint for the database and collection used for the output
JobStore. Even though it may make sense to separate the
sets of outputs, it is possible to share the same collection among multiple
projects. In that case the output documents will have duplicated db_id
as each project has its own counter. If this may be an issue it is possible
to set different db_id_prefix
values in the queue
configuration for
the different projects.
If more than one project is present and a specific one is not selected, the
code will always stop asking for a project to be specified. Python functions
like submit_flow
and get_jobstore
accept a project
argument to
specify which project should be considered. For the command line interface
a general -p
allows to select a project for the command that is being
jf -p another_project job list
To define a default project for all the functions and commands executed on the system or in a specific cell see the General Settings - Environment variables section.
Project specs#
Type: objectThe configurations of a Project.
No Additional PropertiesName
Type: stringThe name of the project
Base Dir
Default: nullThe base directory containing the project related files. Default is a folder with the project name inside the projects folder
Tmp Dir
Default: nullFolder where remote files are copied. Default a 'tmp' folder in base_dir
Log Dir
Default: nullFolder containing all the logs. Default a 'log' folder in base_dir
Daemon Dir
Default: nullFolder containing daemon related files. Default to a 'daemon' folder in base_dir
The level set for logging
Must be one of:
- "error"
- "warn"
- "info"
- "debug"
The options for the Runner
No Additional PropertiesDelay Checkout
Type: integer Default: 30Delay between subsequent execution of the checkout from database (seconds)
Delay Check Run Status
Type: integer Default: 30Delay between subsequent execution of the checking the status of jobs that are submitted to the scheduler (seconds)
Delay Advance Status
Type: integer Default: 30Delay between subsequent advancement of the job's remote state (seconds)
Delay Refresh Limited
Type: integer Default: 600Delay between subsequent refresh from the DB of the number of submitted and running jobs (seconds). Only used if a worker with max_jobs is present
Delay Update Batch
Type: integer Default: 60Delay between subsequent refresh from the DB of the number of submitted and running jobs (seconds). Only used if a batch worker is present
Lock Timeout
Default: 86400Time to consider the lock on a document expired and can be overridden (seconds)
Delete Tmp Folder
Type: boolean Default: trueWhether to delete the local temporary folder after a job has completed
Max Step Attempts
Type: integer Default: 3Maximum number of attempt performed before failing an advancement of a remote state
Delta Retry
Type: array of integer Default: [30, 300, 1200]List of increasing delay between subsequent attempts when the advancement of a remote step fails
No Additional ItemsEach item of this array must be:
Type: objectA dictionary with the worker name as keys and the worker configuration as values
Each additional property must conform to the following schema
Worker representing the local host.
Executes command directly.
No Additional PropertiesType
Type: const Default: "local"The discriminator field to determine the worker type
Specific value:"local"
Scheduler Type
Type: stringType of the scheduler. Depending on the values supported by QToolKit
Work Dir
Type: stringFormat: pathAbsolute path of the directory of the worker where subfolders for executing the calculation will be created
Default: nullA dictionary defining the default resources requested to the scheduler. Used to fill in the QToolKit template
Pre Run
Default: nullString with commands that will be executed before the execution of the Job
Post Run
Default: nullString with commands that will be executed after the execution of the Job
Timeout Execute
Type: integer Default: 60Timeout for the execution of the commands in the worker (e.g. submitting a job)
Max Jobs
Default: nullThe maximum number of jobs that can be submitted to the queue.
Value must be greater or equal to 0
Options for batch execution. If define the worker will be considered a batch worker
Configuration for execution of batch jobs.
Allows to execute multiple Jobs in a single process executed on the worker (e.g. SLURM job).
Same definition as BatchConfigWorker representing a remote host reached through an SSH connection.
Uses a Fabric Connection. Check Fabric documentation for more details on the
options defining a Connection.
Type: const Default: "remote"The discriminator field to determine the worker type
Specific value:"remote"
Scheduler Type
Type: stringType of the scheduler. Depending on the values supported by QToolKit
Work Dir
Type: stringFormat: pathAbsolute path of the directory of the worker where subfolders for executing the calculation will be created
Default: nullA dictionary defining the default resources requested to the scheduler. Used to fill in the QToolKit template
Pre Run
Default: nullString with commands that will be executed before the execution of the Job
Post Run
Default: nullString with commands that will be executed after the execution of the Job
Timeout Execute
Type: integer Default: 60Timeout for the execution of the commands in the worker (e.g. submitting a job)
Max Jobs
Default: nullThe maximum number of jobs that can be submitted to the queue.
Value must be greater or equal to 0
Options for batch execution. If define the worker will be considered a batch worker
Configuration for execution of batch jobs.
Allows to execute multiple Jobs in a single process executed on the worker (e.g. SLURM job).
Same definition as BatchConfigHost
Type: stringThe host to which to connect
Default: nullLogin username
Default: nullPort number
Default: nullLogin password
Key Filename
Default: nullThe filename, or list of filenames, of optional private key(s) and/or certs to try for authentication
No Additional Items
Each item of this array must be:
Default: nullPassphrase used for decrypting private keys
Default: nullA shell command string to use as a proxy or gateway
The representation of a fabric connection.
Mainly used in case of nested gateways.
Forward Agent
Default: nullWhether to enable SSH agent forwarding
Connect Timeout
Default: nullConnection timeout, in seconds
Connect Kwargs
Default: nullOther keyword arguments passed to paramiko.client.SSHClient.connect
Inline Ssh Env
Default: nullWhether to send environment variables 'inline' as prefixes in front of command strings
Default: 60Keepalive value in seconds passed to paramiko's transport
Shell Cmd
Default: "bash"The shell command used to execute the command remotely. If None the command is executed directly
Login Shell
Type: boolean Default: trueWhether to use a login shell when executing the command
Interactive Login
Type: boolean Default: falseWhether the authentication to the host should be interactive
The configuration of the Store used to store the states of the Jobs and the Flows
No Additional PropertiesStore
Type: objectDictionary describing a maggma Store used for the queue data. Can contain the monty serialized dictionary or a dictionary with a 'type' specifying the Store subclass. Should be subclass of a MongoStore, as it requires to perform MongoDB actions. The collection is used to store the jobs
Flows Collection
Type: string Default: "flows"The name of the collection containing information about the flows. Taken from the same database as the one defined in the store
Auxiliary Collection
Type: string Default: "jf_auxiliary"The name of the collection containing auxiliary information. Taken from the same database as the one defined in the store
Db Id Prefix
Default: nulla string defining the prefix added to the integer ID associated to each Job in the database
Exec Config
Type: objectA dictionary with the ExecutionConfig name as keys and the ExecutionConfig configuration as values
Each additional property must conform to the following schema
Type: objectConfiguration to be set before and after the execution of a Job.
No Additional PropertiesModules
Default: nulllist of modules to be loaded
No Additional Items
Each item of this array must be:
Default: nulldictionary with variable to be exported
Pre Run
Default: nullOther commands to be executed before the execution of a job
Post Run
Default: nullCommands to be executed after the execution of a job
Type: objectThe JobStore used for the input. Can contain the monty serialized dictionary or the Store int the Jobflow format
Default: nullA dictionary with metadata associated to the project
General Settings - Environment variables#
Aside from the project specific configuration, a few options can also be defined in general. There are two ways to set these options:
set the value in the
configuration file.set an environment variable composed by the name of the variable and prepended by the
prefix:export JFREMOTE_PROJECT=project_name
The name of the exported variables is case-insensitive (i.e. jfremote_project is equally valid).
The most useful variable to set is the project
one, allowing to select the
default project to be used in a multi-project environment.
Other generic options are the location of the projects folder, instead of
) and the path to the ~/.jfremote.yaml
Some customization options are also available for the behaviour of the CLI.
For more details see the API documentation jobflow_remote.config.settings.JobflowRemoteSettings