module# jobflow.Flow | jobflow.Job | list[jobflow.Job], worker: str | None = None, project: str | None = None, exec_config: str | ExecutionConfig | None = None, resources: dict | QResources | None = None, priority: int = 0, allow_external_references: bool = False) list[str][source]#

Submit a flow for calculation to the selected Worker.

This will not start the calculation but just add to the database of the calculation to be executed.

  • flow – A flow or job.

  • worker – The name of the Worker where the calculation will be submitted. If None, use the first configured worker for this project.

  • project – the name of the project to which the Flow should be submitted. If None the current project will be used.

  • exec_config – the options to set before the execution of the job in the submission script. In addition to those defined in the Worker.

  • resources – Information passed to qtoolkit to require the resources for the submission to the queue.

  • priority – The priority assigned to the Jobs.

  • allow_external_references – If False all the references to other outputs should be from other Jobs of the Flow.


The list of db_ids of the submitted Jobs.

Return type:

List of str