
class, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]#

Bases: Enum

AUX = 'aux'#
FLOWS = 'flows'#
JOBS = 'jobs'#
class, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]#

Bases: Enum

Types of dynamic responses in jobflow.

ADDITION = 'addition'#
DETOUR = 'detour'#
REPLACE = 'replace'#
pydantic model[source]#

Bases: BaseModel

Model for the standard representation of a Flow in the queue database.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.

Show JSON schema
   "title": "FlowDoc",
   "description": "Model for the standard representation of a Flow in the queue database.",
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "uuid": {
         "title": "Uuid",
         "type": "string"
      "jobs": {
         "items": {
            "type": "string"
         "title": "Jobs",
         "type": "array"
      "state": {
         "$ref": "#/$defs/FlowState"
      "name": {
         "title": "Name",
         "type": "string"
      "lock_id": {
         "anyOf": [
               "type": "string"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Lock Id"
      "lock_time": {
         "anyOf": [
               "format": "date-time",
               "type": "string"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Lock Time"
      "created_on": {
         "format": "date-time",
         "title": "Created On",
         "type": "string"
      "updated_on": {
         "format": "date-time",
         "title": "Updated On",
         "type": "string"
      "metadata": {
         "title": "Metadata",
         "type": "object"
      "parents": {
         "additionalProperties": {
            "additionalProperties": {
               "items": {
                  "type": "string"
               "type": "array"
            "type": "object"
         "title": "Parents",
         "type": "object"
      "ids": {
         "items": {
            "maxItems": 3,
            "minItems": 3,
            "prefixItems": [
                  "type": "string"
                  "type": "string"
                  "type": "integer"
            "type": "array"
         "title": "Ids",
         "type": "array"
   "$defs": {
      "FlowState": {
         "description": "States of a Flow.",
         "enum": [
         "title": "FlowState",
         "type": "string"
   "required": [

field created_on: datetime [Optional]#
field ids: list[tuple[str, str, int]] [Optional]#
field jobs: list[str] [Required]#
field lock_id: str | None = None#
field lock_time: datetime | None = None#
field metadata: dict [Optional]#
field name: str [Required]#
field parents: dict[str, dict[str, list[str]]] [Optional]#
field state: FlowState [Required]#
field updated_on: datetime [Optional]#
field uuid: str [Required]#
as_db_dict() dict[source]#

Generate a dict representation suitable to be inserted in the database.


The dict representing the FlowDoc.

Return type:


descendants(job_uuid: str) list[tuple[str, int]][source]#
property children: dict[str, list[tuple[str, int]]]#
property ids_mapping: dict[str, dict[int, str]]#
property int_index_parents#
pydantic model[source]#

Bases: BaseModel

Model with information extracted from a FlowDoc. Mainly for visualization purposes.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.

Show JSON schema
   "title": "FlowInfo",
   "description": "Model with information extracted from a FlowDoc.\nMainly for visualization purposes.",
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "db_ids": {
         "items": {
            "type": "string"
         "title": "Db Ids",
         "type": "array"
      "job_ids": {
         "items": {
            "type": "string"
         "title": "Job Ids",
         "type": "array"
      "job_indexes": {
         "items": {
            "type": "integer"
         "title": "Job Indexes",
         "type": "array"
      "flow_id": {
         "title": "Flow Id",
         "type": "string"
      "state": {
         "$ref": "#/$defs/FlowState"
      "name": {
         "title": "Name",
         "type": "string"
      "created_on": {
         "format": "date-time",
         "title": "Created On",
         "type": "string"
      "updated_on": {
         "format": "date-time",
         "title": "Updated On",
         "type": "string"
      "workers": {
         "items": {
            "type": "string"
         "title": "Workers",
         "type": "array"
      "job_states": {
         "items": {
            "$ref": "#/$defs/JobState"
         "title": "Job States",
         "type": "array"
      "job_names": {
         "items": {
            "type": "string"
         "title": "Job Names",
         "type": "array"
      "parents": {
         "items": {
            "items": {
               "type": "string"
            "type": "array"
         "title": "Parents",
         "type": "array"
      "hosts": {
         "items": {
            "items": {
               "type": "string"
            "type": "array"
         "title": "Hosts",
         "type": "array"
   "$defs": {
      "FlowState": {
         "description": "States of a Flow.",
         "enum": [
         "title": "FlowState",
         "type": "string"
      "JobState": {
         "description": "States of a Job.",
         "enum": [
         "title": "JobState",
         "type": "string"
   "required": [

field created_on: datetime [Required]#
field db_ids: list[str] [Required]#
field flow_id: str [Required]#
field hosts: list[list[str]] [Required]#
field job_ids: list[str] [Required]#
field job_indexes: list[int] [Required]#
field job_names: list[str] [Required]#
field job_states: list[JobState] [Required]#
field name: str [Required]#
field parents: list[list[str]] [Required]#
field state: FlowState [Required]#
field updated_on: datetime [Required]#
field workers: list[str] [Required]#
classmethod from_query_dict(d) FlowInfo[source]#
property ids_mapping: dict[str, dict[int, str]]#
pydantic model[source]#

Bases: BaseModel

Model for the standard representation of a Job in the queue database.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.

Show JSON schema
   "title": "JobDoc",
   "description": "Model for the standard representation of a Job in the queue database.",
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "job": {
         "properties": {
            "@class": {
               "enum": [
               "type": "string"
            "@module": {
               "enum": [
               "type": "string"
            "@version": {
               "type": "string"
         "required": [
         "title": "Job",
         "type": "object"
      "uuid": {
         "title": "Uuid",
         "type": "string"
      "index": {
         "title": "Index",
         "type": "integer"
      "db_id": {
         "title": "Db Id",
         "type": "string"
      "worker": {
         "title": "Worker",
         "type": "string"
      "state": {
         "$ref": "#/$defs/JobState"
      "remote": {
         "$ref": "#/$defs/RemoteInfo",
         "default": {
            "step_attempts": 0,
            "queue_state": null,
            "process_id": null,
            "retry_time_limit": null,
            "error": null,
            "prerun_cleanup": false,
            "queue_out": null,
            "queue_err": null
      "parents": {
         "anyOf": [
               "items": {
                  "type": "string"
               "type": "array"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Parents"
      "previous_state": {
         "anyOf": [
               "$ref": "#/$defs/JobState"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null
      "error": {
         "anyOf": [
               "type": "string"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Error"
      "lock_id": {
         "anyOf": [
               "type": "string"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Lock Id"
      "lock_time": {
         "anyOf": [
               "format": "date-time",
               "type": "string"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Lock Time"
      "run_dir": {
         "anyOf": [
               "type": "string"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Run Dir"
      "start_time": {
         "anyOf": [
               "format": "date-time",
               "type": "string"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Start Time"
      "end_time": {
         "anyOf": [
               "format": "date-time",
               "type": "string"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "End Time"
      "created_on": {
         "format": "date-time",
         "title": "Created On",
         "type": "string"
      "updated_on": {
         "format": "date-time",
         "title": "Updated On",
         "type": "string"
      "priority": {
         "default": 0,
         "title": "Priority",
         "type": "integer"
      "exec_config": {
         "anyOf": [
               "$ref": "#/$defs/ExecutionConfig"
               "type": "string"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Exec Config"
      "resources": {
         "anyOf": [
               "type": "object"
               "properties": {
                  "@class": {
                     "enum": [
                     "type": "string"
                  "@module": {
                     "enum": [
                     "type": "string"
                  "@version": {
                     "type": "string"
               "required": [
               "type": "object"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Resources"
      "stored_data": {
         "anyOf": [
               "type": "object"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Stored Data"
   "$defs": {
      "ExecutionConfig": {
         "additionalProperties": false,
         "description": "Configuration to be set before and after the execution of a Job.",
         "properties": {
            "modules": {
               "anyOf": [
                     "items": {
                        "type": "string"
                     "type": "array"
                     "type": "null"
               "default": null,
               "description": "list of modules to be loaded",
               "title": "Modules"
            "export": {
               "anyOf": [
                     "type": "object"
                     "type": "null"
               "default": null,
               "description": "dictionary with variable to be exported",
               "title": "Export"
            "pre_run": {
               "anyOf": [
                     "type": "string"
                     "type": "null"
               "default": null,
               "description": "Other commands to be executed before the execution of a job",
               "title": "Pre Run"
            "post_run": {
               "anyOf": [
                     "type": "string"
                     "type": "null"
               "default": null,
               "description": "Commands to be executed after the execution of a job",
               "title": "Post Run"
         "title": "ExecutionConfig",
         "type": "object"
      "JobState": {
         "description": "States of a Job.",
         "enum": [
         "title": "JobState",
         "type": "string"
      "RemoteInfo": {
         "description": "Model with data describing the remote state of a Job.",
         "properties": {
            "step_attempts": {
               "default": 0,
               "title": "Step Attempts",
               "type": "integer"
            "queue_state": {
               "anyOf": [
                     "properties": {
                        "@class": {
                           "enum": [
                           "type": "string"
                        "@module": {
                           "enum": [
                           "type": "string"
                        "@version": {
                           "type": "string"
                     "required": [
                     "type": "object"
                     "type": "null"
               "default": null,
               "title": "Queue State"
            "process_id": {
               "anyOf": [
                     "type": "string"
                     "type": "null"
               "default": null,
               "title": "Process Id"
            "retry_time_limit": {
               "anyOf": [
                     "format": "date-time",
                     "type": "string"
                     "type": "null"
               "default": null,
               "title": "Retry Time Limit"
            "error": {
               "anyOf": [
                     "type": "string"
                     "type": "null"
               "default": null,
               "title": "Error"
            "prerun_cleanup": {
               "default": false,
               "title": "Prerun Cleanup",
               "type": "boolean"
            "queue_out": {
               "anyOf": [
                     "type": "string"
                     "type": "null"
               "default": null,
               "title": "Queue Out"
            "queue_err": {
               "anyOf": [
                     "type": "string"
                     "type": "null"
               "default": null,
               "title": "Queue Err"
         "title": "RemoteInfo",
         "type": "object"
   "required": [

field created_on: datetime [Optional]#
field db_id: str [Required]#
field end_time: datetime | None = None#
field error: str | None = None#
field exec_config: ExecutionConfig | str | None = None#
field index: int [Required]#
field job: Job [Required]#
field lock_id: str | None = None#
field lock_time: datetime | None = None#
field parents: list[str] | None = None#
field previous_state: JobState | None = None#
field priority: int = 0#
field remote: RemoteInfo = RemoteInfo(step_attempts=0, queue_state=None, process_id=None, retry_time_limit=None, error=None, prerun_cleanup=False, queue_out=None, queue_err=None)#
field resources: dict | QResources | None = None#
field run_dir: str | None = None#
field start_time: datetime | None = None#
field state: JobState [Required]#
field stored_data: dict | None = None#
field updated_on: datetime [Optional]#
field uuid: str [Required]#
field worker: str [Required]#
as_db_dict() dict[source]#

Generate a dict representation suitable to be inserted in the database.


The dict representing the JobDoc.

Return type:


pydantic model[source]#

Bases: BaseModel

Model with information extracted from a JobDoc. Mainly for visualization purposes.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.

Show JSON schema
   "title": "JobInfo",
   "description": "Model with information extracted from a JobDoc.\nMainly for visualization purposes.",
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "uuid": {
         "title": "Uuid",
         "type": "string"
      "index": {
         "title": "Index",
         "type": "integer"
      "db_id": {
         "title": "Db Id",
         "type": "string"
      "worker": {
         "title": "Worker",
         "type": "string"
      "name": {
         "title": "Name",
         "type": "string"
      "state": {
         "$ref": "#/$defs/JobState"
      "created_on": {
         "format": "date-time",
         "title": "Created On",
         "type": "string"
      "updated_on": {
         "format": "date-time",
         "title": "Updated On",
         "type": "string"
      "remote": {
         "$ref": "#/$defs/RemoteInfo",
         "default": {
            "step_attempts": 0,
            "queue_state": null,
            "process_id": null,
            "retry_time_limit": null,
            "error": null,
            "prerun_cleanup": false,
            "queue_out": null,
            "queue_err": null
      "parents": {
         "anyOf": [
               "items": {
                  "type": "string"
               "type": "array"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Parents"
      "previous_state": {
         "anyOf": [
               "$ref": "#/$defs/JobState"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null
      "error": {
         "anyOf": [
               "type": "string"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Error"
      "lock_id": {
         "anyOf": [
               "type": "string"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Lock Id"
      "lock_time": {
         "anyOf": [
               "format": "date-time",
               "type": "string"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Lock Time"
      "run_dir": {
         "anyOf": [
               "type": "string"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Run Dir"
      "start_time": {
         "anyOf": [
               "format": "date-time",
               "type": "string"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Start Time"
      "end_time": {
         "anyOf": [
               "format": "date-time",
               "type": "string"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "End Time"
      "priority": {
         "default": 0,
         "title": "Priority",
         "type": "integer"
      "metadata": {
         "anyOf": [
               "type": "object"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Metadata"
      "stored_data": {
         "anyOf": [
               "type": "object"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Stored Data"
   "$defs": {
      "JobState": {
         "description": "States of a Job.",
         "enum": [
         "title": "JobState",
         "type": "string"
      "RemoteInfo": {
         "description": "Model with data describing the remote state of a Job.",
         "properties": {
            "step_attempts": {
               "default": 0,
               "title": "Step Attempts",
               "type": "integer"
            "queue_state": {
               "anyOf": [
                     "properties": {
                        "@class": {
                           "enum": [
                           "type": "string"
                        "@module": {
                           "enum": [
                           "type": "string"
                        "@version": {
                           "type": "string"
                     "required": [
                     "type": "object"
                     "type": "null"
               "default": null,
               "title": "Queue State"
            "process_id": {
               "anyOf": [
                     "type": "string"
                     "type": "null"
               "default": null,
               "title": "Process Id"
            "retry_time_limit": {
               "anyOf": [
                     "format": "date-time",
                     "type": "string"
                     "type": "null"
               "default": null,
               "title": "Retry Time Limit"
            "error": {
               "anyOf": [
                     "type": "string"
                     "type": "null"
               "default": null,
               "title": "Error"
            "prerun_cleanup": {
               "default": false,
               "title": "Prerun Cleanup",
               "type": "boolean"
            "queue_out": {
               "anyOf": [
                     "type": "string"
                     "type": "null"
               "default": null,
               "title": "Queue Out"
            "queue_err": {
               "anyOf": [
                     "type": "string"
                     "type": "null"
               "default": null,
               "title": "Queue Err"
         "title": "RemoteInfo",
         "type": "object"
   "required": [

field created_on: datetime [Required]#
field db_id: str [Required]#
field end_time: datetime | None = None#
field error: str | None = None#
field index: int [Required]#
field lock_id: str | None = None#
field lock_time: datetime | None = None#
field metadata: dict | None = None#
field name: str [Required]#
field parents: list[str] | None = None#
field previous_state: JobState | None = None#
field priority: int = 0#
field remote: RemoteInfo = RemoteInfo(step_attempts=0, queue_state=None, process_id=None, retry_time_limit=None, error=None, prerun_cleanup=False, queue_out=None, queue_err=None)#
field run_dir: str | None = None#
field start_time: datetime | None = None#
field state: JobState [Required]#
field stored_data: dict | None = None#
field updated_on: datetime [Required]#
field uuid: str [Required]#
field worker: str [Required]#
classmethod from_query_output(d) JobInfo[source]#

Generate an instance from the output of a query to the JobDoc collection.


d – The dictionary with the queried data.


The instance of JobInfo based on the data

Return type:


property estimated_run_time: float | None#

Estimate the current run time based on the start time and the current time.


The estimated run time in seconds.

Return type:


property is_locked: bool#
property run_time: float | None#

Calculate the run time based on start and end time.


The run time in seconds

Return type:


exception, no_retry=False)[source]#

Bases: RuntimeError

An exception signaling errors during the update of the remote states.

pydantic model[source]#

Bases: BaseModel

Model with data describing the remote state of a Job.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.

Show JSON schema
   "title": "RemoteInfo",
   "description": "Model with data describing the remote state of a Job.",
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "step_attempts": {
         "default": 0,
         "title": "Step Attempts",
         "type": "integer"
      "queue_state": {
         "anyOf": [
               "properties": {
                  "@class": {
                     "enum": [
                     "type": "string"
                  "@module": {
                     "enum": [
                     "type": "string"
                  "@version": {
                     "type": "string"
               "required": [
               "type": "object"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Queue State"
      "process_id": {
         "anyOf": [
               "type": "string"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Process Id"
      "retry_time_limit": {
         "anyOf": [
               "format": "date-time",
               "type": "string"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Retry Time Limit"
      "error": {
         "anyOf": [
               "type": "string"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Error"
      "prerun_cleanup": {
         "default": false,
         "title": "Prerun Cleanup",
         "type": "boolean"
      "queue_out": {
         "anyOf": [
               "type": "string"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Queue Out"
      "queue_err": {
         "anyOf": [
               "type": "string"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "title": "Queue Err"

field error: str | None = None#
field prerun_cleanup: bool = False#
field process_id: str | None = None#
field queue_err: str | None = None#
field queue_out: str | None = None#
field queue_state: QState | None = None#
field retry_time_limit: datetime | None = None#
field step_attempts: int = 0# Flow, job_dicts: list[dict]) dict[source]#

Generate a serialized FlowDoc for initial insertion in the DB.

  • flow – The Flow used to generate the FlowDoc.

  • job_dicts – The dictionaries of the Jobs composing the Flow.


A serialized version of a new FlowDoc.

Return type:

dict Job, parents: list[str] | None, db_id: str, worker: str, exec_config: ExecutionConfig | None, resources: dict | QResources | None, priority: int) dict[source]#

Generate an instance of JobDoc for initial insertion in the DB.

  • job – The Job of the JobDoc.

  • parents – The parents of the Job.

  • db_id – The db_id.

  • worker – The worker where the Job should be executed.

  • exec_config – The ExecutionConfig used for execution.

  • resources – The resources used to run the Job.

  • priority – The priority of the Job.


A new JobDoc.

Return type:

JobDoc dict[source]#

Generate a dictionary with the basic properties to update in case of reset.


Data to be reset.

Return type:
