Source code for turbomoleio.output.files

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# The turbomoleio package, a python interface to Turbomole
# for preparing inputs, parsing outputs and other related tools.
# Copyright (C) 2018-2022 BASF SE, Matgenix SRL.
# This file is part of turbomoleio.
# Turbomoleio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Turbomoleio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with turbomoleio (see ~turbomoleio/COPYING). If not,
# see <>.

"""Module with parsed output objects."""

from import (

[docs] class ScfOutput(BaseData): """ Object containing the data of the output of an scf calculation, i.e. dscf or ridft. Note: for riper calculations, not all data is currently parsed. The final energies are extracted but e.g. information about scf loops is currently not parsed. """ def __init__( self, dft, scf, energies, electrostatic, geometry, basis, run, tm, cosmo, spin, integral, smearing, symmetry, periodicity=None, ): """Construct ScfOutput object. Args: dft (DFTData): information about dft calculation. scf (ScfData): information about scf loop. energies (ScfEnergiesData): final energy of scf calculation. electrostatic (ElectrostaticMomentsData): information about electrostatic moments. geometry (GeometryData): the geometry of the system. basis (BasisData): the basis used for the calculation. run (RunData): information about calculation running (e.g. timings, ...) tm (TurbomoleData): information about the turbomole used for the calculation. cosmo (CosmoData): cosmo approximations and results. spin (SpinData): information about the spin of the system. integral (IntegralData): information about the thresholds for integrals. smearing (SmearingData): information about the smearing ($fermi datagroup). symmetry (SymmetryData): information about the symmetry of the molecule. periodicity (PeriodicityData): information about the periodicity of the system. """ self.dft = dft self.scf = scf self.energies = energies self.electrostatic = electrostatic self.geometry = geometry self.basis = basis = run = tm self.cosmo = cosmo self.spin = spin self.integral = integral self.smearing = smearing self.symmetry = symmetry self.periodicity = periodicity
[docs] @classmethod def from_parser(cls, parser): """ Generate an instance of ScfOutput from a parser. The parser is based on the stdout of a Turbomole executable. Args: parser (Parser): the parser to be used to extract the data. Returns: ScfOutput. """ dft = DFTData.from_parser(parser) scf = ScfData.from_parser(parser) energies = ScfEnergiesData.from_parser(parser) electrostatic = ElectrostaticMomentsData.from_parser(parser) geometry = GeometryData.from_parser(parser) basis = BasisData.from_parser(parser) run = RunData.from_parser(parser) tm = TurbomoleData.from_parser(parser) cosmo = CosmoData.from_parser(parser) spin = SpinData.from_parser(parser) integral = IntegralData.from_parser(parser) smearing = SmearingData.from_parser(parser) symmetry = SymmetryData.from_parser(parser) periodicity = PeriodicityData.from_parser(parser) return cls( dft=dft, scf=scf, energies=energies, electrostatic=electrostatic, geometry=geometry, basis=basis, run=run, tm=tm, cosmo=cosmo, spin=spin, integral=integral, smearing=smearing, symmetry=symmetry, periodicity=periodicity, )
[docs] class EscfOutput(BaseData): """ Object containing the data of the output of an escf calculation. Parses also the information relative to the dft part, which is common to the output of the scf calculation that preceeds the escf. """ def __init__(self, dft, escf, geometry, basis, run, tm, cosmo, integral, symmetry): """Construct EscfOutput object. Args: dft (DFTData): information about dft calculation. escf (EscfData): information about the excited state calculation. geometry (GeometryData): the geometry of the system. basis (BasisData): the basis used for the calculation. run (RunData): information about calculation running (e.g. timings, ...) tm (TurbomoleData): information about the turbomole used for the calculation. cosmo (CosmoData): cosmo approximations and results. integral (IntegralData): information about the thresholds for integrals. symmetry (SymmetryData): information about the symmetry of the molecule """ self.dft = dft self.escf = escf self.geometry = geometry self.basis = basis = run = tm self.cosmo = cosmo self.integral = integral self.symmetry = symmetry
[docs] @classmethod def from_parser(cls, parser): """ Generate an instance of EscfOutput from a parser. The parser is based on the stdout of a Turbomole executable. Args: parser (Parser): the parser to be used to extract the data. Returns: EscfOutput. """ dft = DFTData.from_parser(parser) escf = EscfData.from_parser(parser) run = RunData.from_parser(parser) tm = TurbomoleData.from_parser(parser) geometry = GeometryData.from_parser(parser) basis = BasisData.from_parser(parser) cosmo = CosmoData.from_parser(parser) integral = IntegralData.from_parser(parser) symmetry = SymmetryData.from_parser(parser) return cls( dft=dft, escf=escf, geometry=geometry, basis=basis, run=run, tm=tm, cosmo=cosmo, integral=integral, symmetry=symmetry, )
[docs] class EscfOnlyOutput(BaseData): """ Data containing the minimal information about the output of an escf calculation. Parses only the information relative to escf calculation, ignoring the part that is common to the output of the scf calculation that precedes the escf. """ def __init__(self, escf, run, tm): """Construct EscfOnlyOutput object. Args: escf (EscfData): information about the excited state calculation. run (RunData): information about calculation running (e.g. timings, ...) tm (TurbomoleData): information about the turbomole used for the calculation. """ self.escf = escf = run = tm
[docs] @classmethod def from_parser(cls, parser): """ Generate an instance of EscfOnlyOutput from a parser. The parser is based on the stdout of a Turbomole executable. Args: parser (Parser): the parser to be used to extract the data. Returns: EscfOnlyOutput. """ escf = EscfData.from_parser(parser) run = RunData.from_parser(parser) tm = TurbomoleData.from_parser(parser) return cls(escf=escf, run=run, tm=tm)
[docs] class GradOutput(BaseData): """ Object containing the data of the output of a simple gradient calculation. This can be used for e.g. grad and rdgrad. """ def __init__(self, gradients, dielectric, run, tm, memory): """Construct GradOutput object. Args: gradients (list): matrix of shape (natoms, 3) containing the values of the cartesian gradients. dielectric (list): 3x3 matrix containing the values of the dielectric tensor. run (RunData): information about calculation running (e.g. timings, ...) tm (TurbomoleData): information about the turbomole used for the calculation. memory (int): memory in MB used. Available only for rdgrad. """ self.gradients = gradients self.dielectric = dielectric = run = tm self.memory = memory
[docs] @classmethod def from_parser(cls, parser): """ Generate an instance of GradOutput from a parser. The parser is based on the stdout of a Turbomole executable. Args: parser (Parser): the parser to be used to extract the data. Returns: GradOutput. """ grad_data = parser.gradient if not grad_data: return None run = RunData.from_parser(parser) tm = TurbomoleData.from_parser(parser) memory = parser.rdgrad_memory return cls( gradients=grad_data["gradients"], dielectric=grad_data["dielectric"], run=run, tm=tm, memory=memory, )
[docs] class EgradOutput(BaseData): """ Object containing the data of the output of an egrad calculation. It combines the outputs of standard gradients calculations with the output of escf. """ def __init__( self, gradients, dielectric, dft, escf, geometry, basis, run, tm, cosmo, integral, ex_state, ): """Construct EGradOutput object. Args: gradients (list): matrix of shape (natoms, 3) containing the values of the cartesian gradients. dielectric (list): 3x3 matrix containing the values of the dielectric tensor. dft (DFTData): information about dft calculation. escf (EscfData): information about the excited state calculation. geometry (GeometryData): the geometry of the system. basis (BasisData): the basis used for the calculation. run (RunData): information about calculation running (e.g. timings, ...). tm (TurbomoleData): information about the turbomole used for the calculation. cosmo (CosmoData): cosmo approximations and results. integral (IntegralData): information about the thresholds for integrals. ex_state (int): the (1-based) index of the excited state used for the gradients. """ self.gradients = gradients self.dielectric = dielectric self.dft = dft self.escf = escf self.geometry = geometry self.basis = basis = run = tm self.cosmo = cosmo self.integral = integral self.ex_state = ex_state
[docs] @classmethod def from_parser(cls, parser): """ Generate an instance of EgradOutput from a parser. The parser is based on the stdout of a Turbomole executable. Args: parser (Parser): the parser to be used to extract the data. Returns: EgradOutput. """ grad_data = parser.gradient if not grad_data: return None dft = DFTData.from_parser(parser) escf = EscfData.from_parser(parser) run = RunData.from_parser(parser) tm = TurbomoleData.from_parser(parser) geometry = GeometryData.from_parser(parser) basis = BasisData.from_parser(parser) cosmo = CosmoData.from_parser(parser) integral = IntegralData.from_parser(parser) egrad_ex = parser.egrad_excited_state ex_state = egrad_ex["index"] if egrad_ex is not None else None return cls( gradients=grad_data["gradients"], dielectric=grad_data["dielectric"], dft=dft, escf=escf, geometry=geometry, basis=basis, run=run, tm=tm, cosmo=cosmo, integral=integral, ex_state=ex_state, )
[docs] class RelaxOutput(BaseData): """Object containing the data of the output of a relax calculation (not statpt).""" def __init__(self, info, gradients, convergence, run, tm): """Construct RelaxOutput object. Args: info (RelaxData): initial information provided in relax. gradients (RelaxGradientsData): gradient values extracted from the relax output that take into account the frozen coordinates. convergence (RelaxConvergenceData): final information about convergence according to what is defined in the control file. run (RunData): information about calculation running (e.g. timings, ...) tm (TurbomoleData): information about the turbomole used for the calculation. """ = info self.gradients = gradients self.convergence = convergence = run = tm
[docs] @classmethod def from_parser(cls, parser): """ Generate an instance of RelaxOutput from a parser. The parser is based on the stdout of a Turbomole executable. Args: parser (Parser): the parser to be used to extract the data. Returns: RelaxOutput. """ info = RelaxData.from_parser(parser) gradients = RelaxGradientsData.from_parser(parser) convergence = RelaxConvergenceData.from_parser(parser) run = RunData.from_parser(parser) tm = TurbomoleData.from_parser(parser) return cls( info=info, gradients=gradients, convergence=convergence, run=run, tm=tm )
[docs] class StatptOutput(BaseData): """Object containing the data of the output of a statpt calculation (not relax).""" def __init__(self, info, gradients, convergence, run, tm): """Construct StatptOutput object. Args: info (StatptData): initial information provided in statpt. gradients (RelaxGradientsData): gradient values extracted from the statpt output that take into account the frozen coordinates. convergence (RelaxConvergenceData): final information about convergence according to what is defined in the control file. run (RunData): information about calculation running (e.g. timings, ...) tm (TurbomoleData): information about the turbomole used for the calculation. """ = info self.gradients = gradients self.convergence = convergence = run = tm
[docs] @classmethod def from_parser(cls, parser): """ Generate an instance of StatptOutput from a parser. The parser is based on the stdout of a Turbomole executable. Args: parser (Parser): the parser to be used to extract the data. Returns: StatptOutput. """ info = StatptData.from_parser(parser) gradients = RelaxGradientsData.from_parser(parser) convergence = RelaxConvergenceData.from_parser(parser) run = RunData.from_parser(parser) tm = TurbomoleData.from_parser(parser) return cls( info=info, gradients=gradients, convergence=convergence, run=run, tm=tm )
[docs] class AoforceOutput(BaseData): """ Object containing the data of the output of an aforce calculation. Works with native aoforce calculations and after a numforce. """ def __init__(self, numerical_integration, rotational, vibrational, run, tm): """Construct AoforceOutput object. Args: numerical_integration (AoforceNumericalIntegrationData): information about the numerical integration in aoforce. Missing if from a numforce calculation. rotational (AoforceRotationalData): analysis of rotational states in aoforce. vibrational (AoforceVibrationalData): analysis of vibrational states in aoforce. run (RunData): information about calculation running (e.g. timings, ...). tm (TurbomoleData): information about the turbomole used for the calculation. """ self.numerical_integration = numerical_integration self.rotational = rotational self.vibrational = vibrational = run = tm
[docs] @classmethod def from_parser(cls, parser): """ Generate an instance of AoforceOutput from a parser. The parser is based on the stdout of a Turbomole executable. Args: parser (Parser): the parser to be used to extract the data. Returns: AoforceOutput. """ ni = AoforceNumericalIntegrationData.from_parser(parser) rot = AoforceRotationalData.from_parser(parser) vib = AoforceVibrationalData.from_parser(parser) run = RunData.from_parser(parser) tm = TurbomoleData.from_parser(parser) return cls( numerical_integration=ni, rotational=rot, vibrational=vib, run=run, tm=tm )
[docs] class Ricc2Output(BaseData): """Object containing the data of the output of a ricc2 calculation.""" def __init__(self, mp2, run, tm): """Construct Ricc2Output object. Args: mp2 (MP2Results): MP2 results. run (RunData): information about calculation running (e.g. timings, ...) tm (TurbomoleData): information about the turbomole used for the calculation. """ self.mp2 = mp2 = run = tm
[docs] @classmethod def from_parser(cls, parser): """ Generate an instance of Ricc2Output from a parser. The parser is based on the stdout of a Turbomole executable. Args: parser (Parser): the parser to be used to extract the data. Returns: Ricc2Output. """ mp2 = MP2Results.from_parser(parser) run = RunData.from_parser(parser) tm = TurbomoleData.from_parser(parser) return cls(mp2=mp2, run=run, tm=tm)
[docs] class MP2Output(BaseData): """ Object containing the data of the output of an MP2 calculation. Can be used for different MP2 calculation types, i.e. mpgrad, ricc2 (with proper MP2 options), or pnoccsd (with proper MP2 options). Note: Parsing of PNO-based MP2 calculations (i.e. performed with the pnoccsd program) is not (yet) supported. """ def __init__(self, info, results, geometry, basis, symmetry, cosmo, run, tm): """Construct MP2Output object. Args: info (MP2Data): Information about MP2 calculation. results (MP2Results): Results of an MP2 calculation. geometry (GeometryData): the geometry of the system. basis (BasisData): the basis used for the calculation. symmetry (SymmetryData): information about the symmetry of the molecule. cosmo (CosmoData): cosmo approximations and results. run (RunData): information about calculation running (e.g. timings, ...). tm (TurbomoleData): information about the turbomole used for the calculation. """ = info self.results = results self.geometry = geometry self.basis = basis self.symmetry = symmetry self.cosmo = cosmo = run = tm
[docs] @classmethod def from_parser(cls, parser): """ Generate an instance of MP2Output from a parser. The parser is based on the stdout of a Turbomole executable. Args: parser (Parser): the parser to be used to extract the data. Returns: MP2Output. """ info = MP2Data.from_parser(parser) results = MP2Results.from_parser(parser) run = RunData.from_parser(parser) tm = TurbomoleData.from_parser(parser) geometry = GeometryData.from_parser(parser) basis = BasisData.from_parser(parser) symmetry = SymmetryData.from_parser(parser) cosmo = CosmoData.from_parser(parser) # TODO: fix parsing of Cosmo data in non-scf executables or add a # separate parsing. return cls( info=info, results=results, geometry=geometry, basis=basis, symmetry=symmetry, cosmo=cosmo, run=run, tm=tm, )
[docs] class JobexOutput(BaseData): """ Object containing the data of the output of the last step of a jobex calculation. Namely the outputs of the last energy, gradient and relax calculations stored in the "job.last" file. """ def __init__(self, energy, gradient, relax): """Construct JobexOutput object. Args: energy (ScfOutput): the output data of the energy calculation. gradient: the output data of the energy calculation. The type depends on the type of calculation. Can be GradOutput, EgradOutput or coming from other executables (e.g. Ricc2Output or MP2Output). relax (RelaxOutput or StatptOutput): the output data of the relax calculation. """ = energy self.gradient = gradient self.relax = relax
[docs] @classmethod def from_parser(cls, parser): """ Generate an instance of JobexOutput from a parser. The parser is based on the output contained in the "job.last" file generated by jobex. Splits the output in the different types of executables and generates suitable objects for them. Args: parser (Parser): the parser to be used to extract the data. Returns: JobexOutput. """ ( exec_en, p_en, exec_grad, p_grad, exec_relax, p_relax, ) = parser.get_split_jobex_parsers() energy = gradient = relax = None if exec_en in exec_to_out_obj: # pragma: no branch (trivial) energy = exec_to_out_obj[exec_en].from_parser(p_en) if exec_grad in exec_to_out_obj: # pragma: no branch (trivial) gradient = exec_to_out_obj[exec_grad].from_parser(p_grad) if exec_relax in exec_to_out_obj: # pragma: no branch (trivial) relax = exec_to_out_obj[exec_relax].from_parser(p_relax) return cls(energy=energy, gradient=gradient, relax=relax)
# correspondence between name of the tm executable/name of the log file # and the object used to parse the output. # Does not include jobex since the output of jobex is in the "job.last" file. exec_to_out_obj = { "dscf": ScfOutput, "ridft": ScfOutput, "riper": ScfOutput, "escf": EscfOutput, "grad": GradOutput, "rdgrad": GradOutput, "egrad": EgradOutput, "relax": RelaxOutput, "statpt": StatptOutput, "aoforce": AoforceOutput, "force": AoforceOutput, # aoforce has the name "force" in the header. "mpgrad": MP2Output, "ricc2": Ricc2Output, "rimp2": MP2Output, }