jobflow_remote.cli.admin module#

jobflow_remote.cli.admin.create(key: ~typing.Annotated[str, <typer.models.ArgumentInfo object at 0x7f050df64310>], direction: ~typing.Annotated[~jobflow_remote.cli.utils.IndexDirection | None, <typer.models.ArgumentInfo object at 0x7f050df64610>] = IndexDirection.ASC, foreground: ~typing.Annotated[bool, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f050df64210>] = False, collection: ~typing.Annotated[ | None, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f050df67e90>] = 'jobs', unique: ~typing.Annotated[bool, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f050df67f90>] = False)[source]#

Add an index to one of the queue collections

jobflow_remote.cli.admin.rebuild(foreground: ~typing.Annotated[bool, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f050df64210>] = False)[source]#

Rebuild all the standard indexes. Old indexes will be dropped, including the custom ones.

jobflow_remote.cli.admin.reset(validation: ~typing.Annotated[str | None, <typer.models.ArgumentInfo object at 0x7f050df67a90>] = None, reset_output: ~typing.Annotated[bool, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f050df67ad0>] = False, force: ~typing.Annotated[bool, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f050df63750>] = False) None[source]#

Reset the jobflow database. WARNING: deletes all the data. These could not be retrieved anymore.

jobflow_remote.cli.admin.unlock(job_id: ~typing.Annotated[list[str] | None, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f050df60cd0>] = None, db_id: ~typing.Annotated[list[str] | None, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f050df61150>] = None, state: ~typing.Annotated[list[] | None, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f050df61bd0>] = None, start_date: ~typing.Annotated[~datetime.datetime | None, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f050df62950>] = None, end_date: ~typing.Annotated[~datetime.datetime | None, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f050df62d90>] = None, force: ~typing.Annotated[bool, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f050df63750>] = False) None[source]#

Forcibly removes the lock from the documents of the selected jobs. If no criteria is specified all the locked jobs will be selected. WARNING: can lead to inconsistencies if the processes is actually running.

jobflow_remote.cli.admin.unlock_flow(job_id: ~typing.Annotated[list[str] | None, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f050df60cd0>] = None, db_id: ~typing.Annotated[list[str] | None, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f050df61150>] = None, flow_id: ~typing.Annotated[list[str] | None, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f050df615d0>] = None, state: ~typing.Annotated[list[] | None, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f050df61f50>] = None, start_date: ~typing.Annotated[~datetime.datetime | None, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f050df62950>] = None, end_date: ~typing.Annotated[~datetime.datetime | None, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f050df62d90>] = None, force: ~typing.Annotated[bool, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f050df63750>] = False) None[source]#

Forcibly removes the lock from the documents of the selected jobs. If no criteria is specified all the locked flows will be selected. WARNING: can lead to inconsistencies if the processes is actually running.

jobflow_remote.cli.admin.unlock_runner() None[source]#

Forcibly removes the lock from the runner document. WARNING: can lead to inconsistencies if a runner daemon is actually running.

jobflow_remote.cli.admin.upgrade(no_dry_run: ~typing.Annotated[bool, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f050e23cb90>] = False, check_env: ~typing.Annotated[bool, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f050e23cc90>] = False, target: ~typing.Annotated[str | None, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f050df679d0>] = None) None[source]#

Upgrade the jobflow database. WARNING: can modify all the data. Previous version cannot be retrieved anymore. It preferable to perform a backup before upgrading.