Source code for jobflow_remote.utils.db

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import logging
import time
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from pymongo import ReturnDocument

from import deep_merge_dict, suuid

    from import Iterable, Mapping

    from pymongo.collection import Collection

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class MongoLock: """ Context manager to lock a document in a MongoDB database. Main characteristics and functionalities: * Lock is acquired by setting a lock_id and lock_time value in the locked document. * Filter the document to select based on a query and sorting. It uses find_one_and_update, thus resulting in a single document locked. * Can wait for a lock to be released. * Can forcibly break an existing lock * Can return the locked document even if the lock could not be acquired (useful for determining if a document is locked or no document matches the query) * Accepts all the arguments that can be passed to find_one_and_update * A custom update can be performed on the document when acquiring the lock. * Allows to pass properties that will be set in the document at the moment of releasing the lock. * Lock id value can be customized. If not a randomly generated uuid is used. Examples -------- Trying to acquire the lock on a document based on the state >>> with MongoLock(collection, {"state": "READY"}) as lock: ... print(lock.locked_document["state"]) READY If lock cannot be acquired (no document matching filter or that document is locked) the `lock.locked_document` is None. >>> with MongoLock(collection, {"state": "READY"}) as lock: ... print(lock.locked_document) None Wait for 60 seconds in case the required document is already locked. Check the status every 10 seconds. If lock cannot be acquired locked_document is None >>> with MongoLock( collection, {"uuid": "5b84228b-d019-47fe-b0a0-564b36aa85ed"}, sleep=10, max_wait=60, ) as lock: ... print(lock.locked_document) None In case lock cannot be acquired expose the locked document >>> with MongoLock( collection, {"uuid": "5b84228b-d019-47fe-b0a0-564b36aa85ed"}, get_locked_doc=True, ) as lock: ... print(lock.locked_document) None ... print(lock.unavailable_document['lock_id']) 8d68404f-c77a-461b-859c-40bb0af1979f Set values in the document upon lock release >>> with MongoLock(collection, {"state": "READY"}) as lock: ... if lock.locked_document: ... # Perform some operations based on the job... ... lock.update_on_release = {"$set": {"state": "CHECKED_OUT"}} Delete the locked document upon lock release >>> with MongoLock(collection, {"state": "READY"}) as lock: ... if lock.locked_document: ... # decide if the document should be deleted ... lock.delete_on_release = True """ LOCK_KEY = "lock_id" LOCK_TIME_KEY = "lock_time" def __init__( self, collection: Collection, filter: Mapping[str, Any], # noqa: A002 update: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, break_lock: bool = False, lock_id: str | None = None, sleep: int | None = None, max_wait: int = 600, projection: Mapping[str, Any] | Iterable[str] | None = None, get_locked_doc: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- collection The MongoDB collection containing the document to lock. filter A MongoDB query to select the document. update A dictionary that will be passed to find_one_and_update to update the locked document at the moment of acquiring the lock. break_lock True if the context manager is allowed to forcibly break a lock. lock_id The is used for the lock in the document. If None a randomly generated uuid will be used. sleep The amount of second to sleep between consecutive checks while waiting for a lock to be released. max_wait The amount of seconds to wait for a lock to be released. projection The projection passed to the find_one_and_update that locks the document. get_locked_doc If True, if the lock cannot be acquired because the document matching the filter is already locked, the locked document will be fetched and set in the unavailable_document attribute. kwargs All the other args are passed to find_one_and_update. """ self.collection = collection self.filter = filter or {} self.update = update self.break_lock = break_lock self.locked_document = None self.unavailable_document = None self.lock_id = lock_id or suuid() self.kwargs = kwargs self._update_on_release: dict | list = {} self._delete_on_release: bool = False self.sleep = sleep self.max_wait = max_wait self.projection = projection self.get_locked_doc = get_locked_doc @property def update_on_release(self) -> dict | list: """ The update_on_release value. Returns: dict | list: The value of update_on_release. """ return self._update_on_release @update_on_release.setter def update_on_release(self, value: dict | list): """ Set the value of update_on_release. If set its value will be used to update the document with additional properties upon lock release. For example: lock.update_on_release = {"$set": {"state": "CHECKED_OUT"}} Cannot be set together with delete_on_release. Parameters ---------- value : dict | list The value to set for update_on_release. """ if self.delete_on_release: raise ValueError( "delete_on_release and update_on_release cannot be set simultaneously" ) self._update_on_release = value @property def delete_on_release(self) -> bool: """ The delete_on_release property. Returns: bool: Whether the document will be deleted upon lock release. """ return self._delete_on_release @delete_on_release.setter def delete_on_release(self, value: bool): """ Set the value of delete_on_release. If True the document will be deleted upon lock release. For example: lock.delete_on_release = True Cannot be set together with update_on_release. Parameters ---------- value : bool The value to set for delete_on_release. """ if self.update_on_release: raise ValueError( "delete_on_release and update_on_release cannot be set simultaneously" ) self._delete_on_release = value
[docs] @classmethod def get_lock_time(cls, d: dict): """Get the time the document was locked on a dictionary.""" return d.get(cls.LOCK_TIME_KEY)
[docs] @classmethod def get_lock_id(cls, d: dict): """Get the lock id on a dictionary.""" return d.get(cls.LOCK_KEY)
[docs] def acquire(self) -> None: """Acquire the lock.""" # Set the lock expiration time now = datetime.utcnow() db_filter = copy.deepcopy(dict(self.filter)) projection = self.projection # if projecting always get the lock as well if projection: projection = list(projection) projection.extend([self.LOCK_KEY, self.lock_id]) # Modify the filter if the document should not be fetched if # the lock cannot be acquired. Otherwise, keep the original filter. if not self.break_lock and not self.sleep and not self.get_locked_doc: db_filter.update({self.LOCK_KEY: None}) # Prepare the update to be performed when acquiring the lock. # A combination of the input update and the setting of the lock. lock_set = {self.LOCK_KEY: self.lock_id, self.LOCK_TIME_KEY: now} update: dict[str, dict] = defaultdict(dict) if self.update: update.update(copy.deepcopy(self.update)) update["$set"].update(lock_set) # If the document should be fetched even if the lock could not be acquired # the updates should be made conditional. # Note: sleep needs to fetch the document, otherwise it is impossible to # determine if the filter did not return any document or if the document # was locked. if (self.sleep or self.get_locked_doc) and not self.break_lock: for operation, dict_vals in update.items(): for k, v in dict_vals.items(): cond = { "$cond": { "if": {"$gt": [f"${self.LOCK_KEY}", None]}, "then": f"${k}", "else": v, } } update[operation][k] = cond update = [dict(update)] # type: ignore[assignment] # Try to acquire the lock by updating the document with a unique identifier # and the lock expiration time logger.debug(f"try acquiring lock with filter: {db_filter}") t0 = time.time() while True: result = self.collection.find_one_and_update( db_filter, update, upsert=False, return_document=ReturnDocument.AFTER, **self.kwargs, ) if result: lock_acquired = self.get_lock_id(result) == self.lock_id if lock_acquired: self.locked_document = result break # if the lock could not be acquired optionally sleep or # exit if waited for enough time. if self.sleep and (time.time() - t0) < self.max_wait: logger.debug("sleeping") time.sleep(self.sleep) else: self.unavailable_document = result break else: # If no document the conditions could not be met. # Either the requested filter does not find match a document # or those fitting are locked. break
[docs] def release(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None: """Release the lock.""" # TODO if failed to release the lock maybe retry before failing if self.locked_document is None: return # Release the lock by removing the unique identifier and lock expiration time update: list | dict = {"$set": {self.LOCK_KEY: None, self.LOCK_TIME_KEY: None}} # TODO maybe set on release only if no exception was raised? if self.update_on_release: # if an exception raised inside the context manager do not update the document if exc_type is not None: logger.warning( f"A {type(exc_type)} exception was raised while the document was locked. " f"The update_on_release {self.update_on_release} will not be applied." ) elif isinstance(self.update_on_release, list): update = [update, *self.update_on_release] else: update = deep_merge_dict(update, self.update_on_release) logger.debug(f"release lock with update: {update}") # if an exception raised inside the context manager do not delete the document if self.delete_on_release and exc_type is None: result = self.collection.delete_one( {"_id": self.locked_document["_id"], self.LOCK_KEY: self.lock_id} ) if result.deleted_count == 0: raise RuntimeError("Could not delete the locked document upon release") else: if self.delete_on_release and exc_type is not None: logger.warning( f"A {type(exc_type)} exception was raised while the document was locked. " f"The document will not be deleted, as instead requested by delete_on_release." ) result = self.collection.update_one( {"_id": self.locked_document["_id"], self.LOCK_KEY: self.lock_id}, update, upsert=False, ) # Check if the lock was successfully released if result.modified_count == 0: msg = ( f"Could not release lock for document {self.locked_document['_id']}" ) warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=2) self.locked_document = None
def __enter__(self): self.acquire() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if self.locked_document: self.release(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
[docs] class LockedDocumentError(Exception): """Exception to signal a problem when locking the document."""
[docs] class JobLockedError(LockedDocumentError): """Exception to signal a problem when locking a Job document."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_job_doc(cls, doc: dict, additional_msg: str | None = None): lock_id = doc[MongoLock.LOCK_KEY] lock_date = doc[MongoLock.LOCK_TIME_KEY] date_str = lock_date.isoformat(timespec="seconds") if lock_date else None msg = f"Job with db_id {doc['db_id']} is locked with lock_id {lock_id} since {date_str} UTC." if additional_msg: msg += " " + additional_msg return cls(msg)
[docs] class FlowLockedError(LockedDocumentError): """Exception to signal a problem when locking a Flow document."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_flow_doc(cls, doc: dict, additional_msg: str | None = None): lock_id = doc[MongoLock.LOCK_KEY] lock_date = doc[MongoLock.LOCK_TIME_KEY] date_str = lock_date.isoformat(timespec="seconds") if lock_date else None msg = f"Flow with uuid {doc['uuid']} is locked with lock_id {lock_id} since {date_str} UTC." if additional_msg: msg += " " + additional_msg return cls(msg)