Source code for
from __future__ import annotations
import os
from import Mapping, MutableMapping
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from typing import Any
from uuid import UUID
import maggma.stores # required to enable subclass searching
from import Store
from monty.json import MontyDecoder
def deep_merge_dict(
d1: MutableMapping,
d2: Mapping,
path: list[str] | None = None,
raise_on_conflicts: bool = True,
inplace: bool = True,
) -> MutableMapping:
Merge a dictionary d2 into a dictionary d1 recursively.
if not inplace:
d1 = deepcopy(d1)
if path is None:
path = []
for key in d2:
if key in d1:
if isinstance(d1[key], Mapping) and isinstance(d2[key], Mapping):
deep_merge_dict(d1[key], d2[key], [*path, str(key)])
elif d1[key] == d2[key]:
pass # same leaf value
elif raise_on_conflicts:
raise ValueError(f"Conflict at {'.'.join([*path, str(key)])}")
d1[key] = d2[key]
d1[key] = d2[key]
return d1
def remove_none(obj):
if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, set)):
return type(obj)(remove_none(x) for x in obj if x is not None)
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return type(obj)(
(remove_none(k), remove_none(v))
for k, v in obj.items()
if k is not None and v is not None
return obj
def check_dict_keywords(obj: Any, keywords: list[str]) -> bool:
if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, set)):
return any(check_dict_keywords(x, keywords) for x in obj)
if isinstance(obj, dict):
for k, v in obj.items():
if isinstance(k, str) and any(k.startswith(kw) for kw in keywords):
return True
if check_dict_keywords(v, keywords):
return True
return False
def uuid_to_path(
uuid: str, index: int | None = 1, num_subdirs: int = 3, subdir_len: int = 2
u = UUID(uuid)
u_hex = u.hex
# Split the digest into groups of "subdir_len" characters
subdirs = [
u_hex[i : i + subdir_len]
for i in range(0, num_subdirs * subdir_len, subdir_len)
# add the index to the final dir name
dir_name = f"{uuid}"
if index is not None:
dir_name += f"_{index}"
# Combine root directory and subdirectories to form the final path
return os.path.join(*subdirs, dir_name)
def store_from_dict(store_dict: dict) -> Store:
if "@class" in store_dict and "@module" in store_dict:
store = MontyDecoder().process_decoded(store_dict)
if not isinstance(store, Store):
raise ValueError(
f"The converted object {store} is not an instance of a maggma Store"
return store
def all_subclasses(cl):
return set(cl.__subclasses__()).union(
[s for c in cl.__subclasses__() for s in all_subclasses(c)]
all_stores = {s.__name__: s for s in all_subclasses(maggma.stores.Store)}
return convert_store(store_dict, all_stores)
def convert_store(spec_dict: dict, valid_stores) -> Store:
Build a store based on the dict spec configuration from JobFlow
TODO expose the methods from jobflow and don't duplicate the code.
_spec_dict = dict(spec_dict)
store_type = _spec_dict.pop("type")
for k, v in _spec_dict.items():
if isinstance(v, dict) and "type" in v:
_spec_dict[k] = convert_store(v, valid_stores)
return valid_stores[store_type](**_spec_dict)
def convert_utc_time(datetime_value: datetime) -> datetime:
Convert a time in UTC (used in the DB) to the time zone of the
system where the code is being executed.
a datetime object in UTC
The datetime in the zone of the current system
return datetime_value.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).astimezone(tz=None)
# TODO imported this from jobflow remote for backward compatibility.
# remove this in favor of suid in the next release
def suuid() -> str:
Generate a string UUID (universally unique identifier).
Uses the UUID4 specification.
from uuid import uuid4
return str(uuid4())