Source code for jobflow_remote.cli.runner

import os
from typing import Annotated

import typer
from rich.table import Table
from rich.text import Text

from jobflow_remote.cli.jf import app
from jobflow_remote.cli.jfr_typer import JFRTyper
from jobflow_remote.cli.types import log_level_opt
from jobflow_remote.cli.utils import (
from jobflow_remote.config.base import LogLevel
from import DaemonError, DaemonManager, DaemonStatus
from import Runner

app_runner = JFRTyper(
    name="runner", help="Commands for handling the Runner", no_args_is_help=True

[docs] @app_runner.command() def run( log_level: log_level_opt = LogLevel.INFO, set_pid: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( "--set-pid", "-pid", help="Set the runner id to the current process pid", ), ] = False, transfer: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( "--transfer", "-t", help="Enable the transfer option in the runner", ), ] = False, complete: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( "--complete", "-com", help="Enable the complete option in the runner", ), ] = False, queue: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( "--queue", "-q", help="Enable the queue option in the runner", ), ] = False, checkout: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( "--checkout", "-cho", help="Enable the checkout option in the runner", ), ] = False, connect_interactive: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( "--connect-interactive", "-i", help="Activate the connection for interactive remote host", ), ] = False, ) -> None: """ Execute the Runner in the foreground. Do NOT execute this to start as a daemon. Should be used by the daemon or for testing purposes. """ runner_id = os.getpid() if set_pid else None runner = Runner( log_level=log_level, runner_id=str(runner_id), connect_interactive=connect_interactive, ) if not (transfer or complete or queue or checkout): transfer = complete = queue = checkout = True try:, complete=complete, queue=queue, checkout=checkout) finally: runner.cleanup()
[docs] @app_runner.command() def start( transfer: Annotated[ int, typer.Option( "--transfer", "-t", help="The number of processes dedicated to completing jobs", ), ] = 1, complete: Annotated[ int, typer.Option( "--complete", "-com", help="The number of processes dedicated to completing jobs", ), ] = 1, single: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( "--single", "-s", help="Use a single process for the runner", ), ] = False, log_level: log_level_opt = LogLevel.INFO, connect_interactive: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( "--connect-interactive", "-i", help="Wait for the daemon to start and manually log in the " "connection for interactive remote host. Requires --single.", ), ] = False, ) -> None: """Start the Runner as a daemon.""" # This is not a strict requirement, but for the moment only allow the single # process daemon if connect_interactive and not single: exit_with_error_msg("--connect-interactive option requires --single") cm = get_config_manager() dm = DaemonManager.from_project(cm.get_project()) with loading_spinner(processing=False) as progress: task_id = progress.add_task(description="Starting the daemon...", total=None) try: dm.start( num_procs_transfer=transfer, num_procs_complete=complete, single=single, log_level=log_level.value, raise_on_error=True, connect_interactive=connect_interactive, ) except DaemonError as e: exit_with_error_msg( f"Error while starting the daemon: {getattr(e, 'message', e)}" ) if connect_interactive: progress.update(task_id, description="Waiting for processes to start...") try: dm.wait_start() except DaemonError as e: exit_with_error_msg( f"Error while waiting the processes to start: {getattr(e, 'message', e)}" ) if connect_interactive: dm.foreground_processes(print_function=out_console.print)
[docs] @app_runner.command() def stop( wait: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( "--wait", "-w", help=( "Wait until the daemon has stopped. NOTE: this may take a while if a large file is being transferred!" ), ), ] = False, ) -> None: """ Send a stop signal to the Runner processes. Each of the Runner processes will stop when finished the task being executed. By default, return immediately. """ cm = get_config_manager() dm = DaemonManager.from_project(cm.get_project()) with loading_spinner(processing=False) as progress: progress.add_task(description="Stopping the daemon...", total=None) try: dm.stop(wait=wait, raise_on_error=True) except DaemonError as e: exit_with_error_msg( f"Error while stopping the daemon: {getattr(e, 'message', e)}" ) from jobflow_remote import SETTINGS if SETTINGS.cli_suggestions: out_console.print( "The stop signal has been sent to the Runner. Run 'jf runner status' to verify if it stopped", style="yellow", )
[docs] @app_runner.command() def kill() -> None: """ Send a kill signal to the Runner processes. Return immediately, does not wait for processes to be killed. """ cm = get_config_manager() dm = DaemonManager.from_project(cm.get_project()) with loading_spinner(processing=False) as progress: progress.add_task(description="Killing the daemon...", total=None) try: dm.kill(raise_on_error=True) except DaemonError as e: exit_with_error_msg( f"Error while killing the daemon: {getattr(e, 'message', e)}" )
[docs] @app_runner.command() def shutdown() -> None: """ Shuts down the supervisord process. Note that if the daemon is running it will wait for the daemon to stop. """ cm = get_config_manager() dm = DaemonManager.from_project(cm.get_project()) with loading_spinner(processing=False) as progress: progress.add_task(description="Shutting down supervisor...", total=None) try: dm.shut_down(raise_on_error=True) except DaemonError as e: exit_with_error_msg( f"Error while shutting down supervisor: {getattr(e, 'message', e)}" )
[docs] @app_runner.command() def status() -> None: """Fetch the status of the daemon runner.""" from jobflow_remote import SETTINGS cm = get_config_manager() dm = DaemonManager.from_project(cm.get_project()) with loading_spinner(): try: current_status = dm.check_status() except DaemonError as e: exit_with_error_msg( f"Error while checking the status of the daemon: {getattr(e, 'message', e)}" ) color = { DaemonStatus.STOPPED: "red", DaemonStatus.STOPPING: "gold1", DaemonStatus.SHUT_DOWN: "red", DaemonStatus.PARTIALLY_RUNNING: "gold1", DaemonStatus.STARTING: "gold1", DaemonStatus.RUNNING: "green", }[current_status] text = Text() text.append("Daemon status: ") text.append(current_status.value.lower(), style=color) out_console.print(text) if current_status == DaemonStatus.PARTIALLY_RUNNING and SETTINGS.cli_suggestions: out_console.print( f"The {current_status.value.lower()} may be present due to the " "runner stopping or signal a problem with one of the processes " "of the runner. If the state should be RUNNING, check the detailed" " status with the 'info' command and consider restarting the runner.", style="yellow", )
[docs] @app_runner.command() def info() -> None: """ Fetch the information about the process of the daemon. Contain the supervisord process and the processes running the Runner. """ cm = get_config_manager() dm = DaemonManager.from_project(cm.get_project()) procs_info_dict = None try: with loading_spinner(): procs_info_dict = dm.get_processes_info() except DaemonError as e: exit_with_error_msg( f"Error while fetching information from the daemon: {getattr(e, 'message', e)}" ) if not procs_info_dict: exit_with_warning_msg("Daemon is not running") table = Table() table.add_column("Process") table.add_column("PID") table.add_column("State") for name, proc_info in procs_info_dict.items(): table.add_row(name, str(proc_info["pid"]), str(proc_info["statename"])) out_console.print(table)
[docs] @app_runner.command() def foreground() -> None: """Connect to the daemon processes in the foreground.""" cm = get_config_manager() dm = DaemonManager.from_project(cm.get_project()) procs_info_dict = None try: with loading_spinner(): procs_info_dict = dm.get_processes_info() except DaemonError as e: exit_with_error_msg( f"Error while fetching information from the daemon: {getattr(e, 'message', e)}" ) if not procs_info_dict: exit_with_warning_msg("Daemon is not running") dm.foreground_processes(print_function=out_console.print)