Source code for jobflow_remote.cli.project

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Annotated

import typer
from rich.prompt import Confirm
from rich.text import Text

from jobflow_remote.cli.formatting import get_exec_config_table, get_worker_table
from jobflow_remote.cli.jf import app
from jobflow_remote.cli.jfr_typer import JFRTyper
from jobflow_remote.cli.types import (
from jobflow_remote.cli.utils import (
from jobflow_remote.config import ConfigError, ConfigManager
from jobflow_remote.config.helper import (

    from import Iterable

app_project = JFRTyper(
    help="Commands concerning the project definition",
    # no_args_is_help=True,

[docs] @app_project.command(name="list") def list_projects( warn: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( "--warn", "-w", help="Print the warning for the files that could not be parsed", ), ] = False, ) -> None: """List of available projects.""" cm = ConfigManager(warn=warn) project_name = None try: project_data = cm.get_project_data() project_name = except ConfigError: pass full_project_list = cm.project_names_from_files() if not full_project_list: exit_with_warning_msg(f"No project available in {cm.projects_folder}") out_console.print(f"List of projects in {cm.projects_folder}") for pn in sorted(full_project_list): out_console.print(f" - {pn}", style="green" if pn == project_name else None) not_parsed_projects = set(full_project_list).difference(cm.projects_data) if not_parsed_projects: out_console.print( "The following project names exist in files in the project folder, " "but could not properly parsed as projects: " f"{', '.join(not_parsed_projects)}.", style="yellow", ) from jobflow_remote import SETTINGS if SETTINGS.cli_suggestions: out_console.print( "Run the command with -w option to see the parsing errors", style="yellow", )
[docs] @app_project.callback(invoke_without_command=True) def current_project( ctx: typer.Context, print_tree: tree_opt = False, # If selected will print the tree of the CLI and exit ) -> None: """Print the list of the project currently selected.""" # only run if no other subcommand is executed if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: out_console.print("Run 'jf project -h' to get the list of available commands")
[docs] @app_project.command() def generate( name: Annotated[str, typer.Argument(help="Name of the project")], file_format: serialize_file_format_opt = SerializeFileFormat.YAML, full: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( "--full", help="Generate a configuration file with all the fields and more elements", ), ] = False, ) -> None: """Generate a project configuration file with dummy elements to be edited manually.""" cm = ConfigManager(exclude_unset=not full) if name in cm.projects_data: exit_with_error_msg(f"Project with name {name} already exists") filepath = cm.projects_folder / f"{name}.{file_format.value}" if filepath.exists(): exit_with_error_msg( f"Project with name {name} does not exist, but file {filepath!s} does and will not be overwritten" ) project = generate_dummy_project(name=name, full=full) cm.create_project(project, ext=file_format.value) print_success_msg(f"Configuration file for project {name} created in {filepath!s}")
[docs] @app_project.command() def check( jobstore: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( "--jobstore", "-js", help="Only check the jobstore connection", ), ] = False, queue: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( "--queue", "-q", help="Only check the queue connection", ), ] = False, worker: Annotated[ str, typer.Option( "--worker", "-w", help="Only check the connection for the selected worker", ), ] = None, print_errors: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( "--errors", "-e", help="Print the errors at the end of the checks", ), ] = False, full: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( "--full", "-f", help="Perform a full check", ), ] = False, ) -> None: """Check that the connection to the different elements of the projects are working.""" check_incompatible_opt({"jobstore": jobstore, "queue": queue, "worker": worker}) cm = get_config_manager() project = cm.get_project() check_all = all(not v for v in (jobstore, worker, queue)) workers_to_test: Iterable[str] = [] if check_all: workers_to_test = project.workers elif worker: if worker not in project.workers: exit_with_error_msg( f"Worker {worker} does not exists in project {}" ) workers_to_test = [worker] tick = "[bold green]✓[/] " tick_warn = "[bold yellow]✓[/] " cross = "[bold red]x[/] " errors = [] with loading_spinner(processing=False) as progress: task_id = progress.add_task("Checking") for worker_name in workers_to_test: progress.update(task_id, description=f"Checking worker {worker_name}") worker_to_test = project.workers[worker_name] if worker_to_test.get_host().interactive_login: with hide_progress(progress): err, worker_warn = check_worker(worker_to_test, full_check=full) else: err, worker_warn = check_worker(worker_to_test, full_check=full) header = tick # At the moment the check_worker should return either an error or a # warning. The code below also deals with the case where both are # returned in the future. if worker_warn: errors.append((f"Worker {worker_name} warning ", worker_warn)) header = tick_warn if err: errors.append((f"Worker {worker_name} ", err)) header = cross progress.print(Text.from_markup(header + f"Worker {worker_name}")) if check_all or jobstore: progress.update(task_id, description="Checking jobstore") err = check_jobstore(project.get_jobstore()) header = tick if err: errors.append(("Jobstore", err)) header = cross progress.print(Text.from_markup(header + "Jobstore")) if check_all or queue: progress.update(task_id, description="Checking queue store") err = check_queue_store(project.get_queue_store()) header = tick if err: errors.append(("Queue store", err)) header = cross progress.print(Text.from_markup(header + "Queue store")) if print_errors and errors: out_console.print("Errors:", style="red bold") for e in errors: out_console.print(e[0], style="bold") out_console.print(e[1])
[docs] @app_project.command() def remove( name: Annotated[str, typer.Argument(help="Name of the project")], keep_folders: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( "--keep-folders", "-k", help="Project related folders are not deleted", ), ] = False, force: force_opt = False, ) -> None: """Remove a project from the projects' folder, including the related folders.""" cm = get_config_manager() if name not in cm.projects_data: exit_with_warning_msg(f"Project {name} does not exist") p = cm.get_project(name) if not keep_folders and not force: msg = f"This will delete also the folders:\n\t{p.base_dir}\n\t{p.log_dir}\n\t{p.tmp_dir}\n\t{p.daemon_dir}\nProceed anyway?" if not Confirm.ask(msg): raise typer.Exit(0) with loading_spinner(processing=False) as progress: progress.add_task("Deleting project") cm.remove_project(project_name=name, remove_folders=not keep_folders)
##################################### # Exec config app ##################################### app_exec_config = JFRTyper( name="exec_config", help="Commands concerning the Execution configurations", no_args_is_help=True, ) app_project.add_typer(app_exec_config)
[docs] @app_exec_config.command(name="list") def list_exec_config( verbosity: verbosity_opt = 0, ) -> None: """ The list of defined Execution configurations """ cm = get_config_manager() project = cm.get_project() table = get_exec_config_table(project.exec_config, verbosity) out_console.print(table)
##################################### # Worker app ##################################### app_worker = JFRTyper( name="worker", help="Commands concerning the workers", no_args_is_help=True, ) app_project.add_typer(app_worker)
[docs] @app_worker.command(name="list") def list_worker( verbosity: verbosity_opt = 0, ) -> None: """ The list of defined workers """ cm = get_config_manager() project = cm.get_project() table = get_worker_table(project.workers, verbosity) out_console.print(table)