Source code for jobflow_remote.cli.jfr_typer

from typing import Callable

import typer
from typer.models import CommandFunctionType

from jobflow_remote.cli.utils import cli_error_handler

[docs] class JFRTyper(typer.Typer): """Subclassing typer to intercept exceptions and print nicer error messages.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: if "epilog" not in kwargs: kwargs["epilog"] = ( "Run [bold]'jf -h'[/] to display the [bold]global options[/]" ) if "rich_markup_mode" not in kwargs: kwargs["rich_markup_mode"] = "rich" # if "result_callback" not in kwargs: # kwargs["result_callback"] = test_cb super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def command( self, *args, **kwargs ) -> Callable[[CommandFunctionType], CommandFunctionType]: typer_wrapper = super().command(*args, **kwargs) def wrapper(fn): fn = cli_error_handler(fn) return typer_wrapper(fn) return wrapper
[docs] def callback( self, *args, **kwargs ) -> Callable[[CommandFunctionType], CommandFunctionType]: typer_wrapper = super().callback(*args, **kwargs) def wrapper(fn): fn = cli_error_handler(fn) return typer_wrapper(fn) return wrapper