Source code for jobflow_remote.cli.backup

from typing import Annotated, Optional

import typer

from jobflow_remote.cli.jf import app
from jobflow_remote.cli.jfr_typer import JFRTyper
from jobflow_remote.cli.utils import (

app_backup = JFRTyper(
    help="Commands for handling backup of the database",

[docs] @app_backup.command() def create( backup_dir: Annotated[ str, typer.Argument( help="The path of the directory where the output files will be saved", metavar="BACKUP_DIR", ), ] = ".", compress: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( "--compress", "-c", help="Compress the output files", ), ] = False, mongo_path: Annotated[ Optional[str], typer.Option( "--mongo-path", "-m", help=( "The path to a folder containing the mongodump executable, if not present in the PATH" ), ), ] = None, python: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( "--python", "-p", help="If selected a python implementation will be used to create a backup. " "WARNING: In this case metadata of the collections will not be saved", ), ] = False, ) -> None: """ Create a backup of the queue database using either mongodump or a python implementation. The mongodump version is faster and stores metadata, but requires the mongodump executable and may not support all the connection options defined in the project configuration. """ check_stopped_runner(error=True) with loading_spinner(processing=False) as progress: progress.add_task(description="Creating backup...", total=None) jc = get_job_controller() n_docs = jc.backup_dump( dir_path=backup_dir, mongo_bin_path=mongo_path, compress=compress, python=python, ) out_console.print("Backup created for ") for collection in sorted(n_docs): out_console.print(f"\t{collection} collection: {n_docs[collection]} documents") out_console.print("Verify that these numbers fit the expected values.")
[docs] @app_backup.command() def restore( backup_dir: Annotated[ str, typer.Argument( help="The path of the directory where the backup files are located", metavar="BACKUP_DIR", ), ] = ".", mongo_path: Annotated[ Optional[str], typer.Option( "--mongo-path", "-m", help=( "The path to a folder containing the mongorestore executable, if not present in the PATH" ), ), ] = None, python: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( "--python", "-p", help="If selected a python implementation will be used to restore a backup. " "WARNING: In this case metadata of the collections will not be restored", ), ] = False, ) -> None: """ Recreate the queue database from a previous backup using either mongorestore or a python implementation. """ check_stopped_runner(error=True) with loading_spinner(processing=False) as progress: progress.add_task(description="Restoring backup...", total=None) jc = get_job_controller() jc.backup_restore( dir_path=backup_dir, mongo_bin_path=mongo_path, python=python, ) out_console.print("Backup restored") if python: out_console.print( "Python version does not restore indexes in the DB. It is advisable to run " "'jf admin index rebuild' to create them." )