Source code for atomate2.turbomole.utils

# Part of atomate2-turbomole package.

"""Module containing utilities for the atomate2-turbomole package."""

from __future__ import annotations

import re
from datetime import datetime

from monty.json import MSONable
from turbomoleio.input.utils import get_define_template

float_number_re = r"[+-]?[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+"
timing_re = r"(\d+h|)(\d+m)(" + float_number_re + r"s)"

[docs] class JobexTimings(MSONable): """Object containing timing information about a jobex run. Note: this will be moved and adapted in turbomoleio. """ def __init__(self, steps_timings): """Construct JobexTimings. Args: steps_timings (list): List of the timings for each step. """ self.steps_timings = steps_timings
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filepath="time.stat"): """Create JobexTimings from file. Args: filepath: Path to the "time.stat" file containing timing information. Returns ------- JobexTimings instance with the timing information of the jobex calculation. """ with open(filepath) as f: string = pattern = ( r"([\s\S]*?\s+)" # lazy matching r"real\s+" + timing_re + r"\s+user\s+" + timing_re + r"\s+sys\s+" + timing_re ) match = re.findall(pattern, string) steps_timings = [] for step in match: real_t = float(step[3][:-1]) + 60.0 * float(step[2][:-1]) if step[1]: real_t += 3600.0 * float(step[1][:-1]) user_t = float(step[6][:-1]) + 60.0 * float(step[5][:-1]) if step[4]: user_t += 3600.0 * float(step[4][:-1]) sys_t = float(step[9][:-1]) + 60.0 * float(step[8][:-1]) if step[7]: sys_t += 3600.0 * float(step[7][:-1]) sp = [line.strip() for line in step[0].strip().splitlines()] if len(sp) == 1: details = None elif len(sp) == 2: details = sp[1] else: raise RuntimeError( "More than two time.stat lines for a given jobex step" ) step_type = sp[0] steps_timings.append( { "step": step_type, "details": details, "real": real_t, "user": user_t, "sys": sys_t, } ) return cls(steps_timings=steps_timings)
[docs] def total_time(self, time="real", step=None): """Get the total time. Args: time: Which type of time to use. step: Which type of step to use. Returns ------- float: Time used in seconds. """ if step is not None: return sum([s[time] for s in self.steps_timings if s["step"] == step]) return sum([s[time] for s in self.steps_timings])
[docs] def get_define_parameters(define_template=None, define_parameters=None): """Get the define parameters based on a template and additional define parameters. Args: define_template: Name of template to use as basis for define parameters. define_parameters: Parameters for turbomoleio's DefineRunner. """ if define_template is None and define_parameters is None: raise RuntimeError( 'Should provide at least one of "define_template" or "define_parameters"' ) dp = get_define_template(define_template) if define_template else {} if define_parameters: dp.update(define_parameters) return dp
[docs] def datetime_str() -> str: """ Get a string representation of the current time. Returns ------- str The current time. """ return str(datetime.utcnow())