Source code for atomate2.turbomole.schemas.calculation

"""Core definitions of Turbomole calculation documents."""

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union

from jobflow.utils import ValueEnum
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from pymatgen.core.structure import Molecule, Structure

from atomate2.turbomole.schemas.calc_types import CalcType, RunType, TaskType

[docs] class Status(ValueEnum): """Turbomole calculation state.""" SUCCESS = "successful" FAILED = "failed"
[docs] class TurbomoleObject(ValueEnum): """Types of Turbomole data objects.""" ENERGY = "energy"
[docs] class CalculationInput(BaseModel): """Summary of inputs for a Turbomole calculation.""" structure: Union[Structure, Molecule] = Field( None, description="The input structure/molecule object" ) turbomole_input: Dict = Field( None, description="The Turbomole input used for this task" ) dft: Dict = Field( None, description="DFT parameters used in the last calc of this task.", ) turbomole_global: Dict = Field( None, description="Turbomole global parameters used in the last calc of this task.", )
[docs] class CalculationOutput(BaseModel): """Document defining Turbomole calculation outputs.""" energy: float = Field( None, description="The final total DFT energy for the calculation" ) energy_per_atom: float = Field( None, description="The final DFT energy per atom for the calculation" ) structure: Union[Structure, Molecule] = Field( None, description="The final structure/molecule from the calculation" ) efermi: float = Field( None, description="The Fermi level from the calculation in eV" ) is_metal: bool = Field(None, description="Whether the system is metallic") bandgap: float = Field(None, description="The band gap from the calculation in eV") cbm: float = Field( None, description="The conduction band minimum in eV (if system is not metallic)", ) vbm: float = Field( None, description="The valence band maximum in eV (if system is not metallic)" ) ionic_steps: List[Dict[str, Any]] = Field( None, description="Energy, forces, and structure for each ionic step" )
[docs] class Calculation(BaseModel): """Full Turbomole calculation inputs and outputs.""" dir_name: str = Field( None, description="The directory for this Turbomole calculation" ) turbomole_version: str = Field( None, description="Turbomole version used to perform the calculation" ) has_completed: Status = Field( None, description="Whether Turbomole completed the calculation successfully" ) input: CalculationInput = Field( None, description="Turbomole input settings for the calculation" ) output: CalculationOutput = Field( None, description="The Turbomole calculation output" ) completed_at: str = Field( None, description="Timestamp for when the calculation was completed" ) task_name: str = Field( None, description="Name of task given by custodian (e.g., relax1, relax2)" ) output_file_paths: Dict[str, str] = Field( None, description="Paths (relative to dir_name) of the Turbomole output files " "associated with this calculation", ) # bader: Dict = Field(None, description="Output from the bader software") run_type: RunType = Field( None, description="Calculation run type (e.g., HF, HSE06, PBE)" ) task_type: TaskType = Field( None, description="Calculation task type (e.g., Structure Optimization)." ) calc_type: CalcType = Field( None, description="Return calculation type (run type + task_type)." )