Source code for
# Part of atomate2-turbomole package.
"""Module containing the custodian jobs for the atomate2-turbomole package."""
import shlex
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from custodian.custodian import Job
class TMJob(Job):
"""A job to run one of the TM executables."""
def __init__(self, executable, output_file=None, stderr_file=None, options=None):
"""Construct the custodian Job.
executable: Turbomole executable.
output_file: Filename to use for the stdout.
stderr_file: Filename to use for the stderr.
options: Options for jobex (e.g. "-rijk", ["-level", "cc2"], "-time", ...).
self.executable = executable
self.output_file = output_file or Path(self.executable).name + ".out"
self.stderr_file = stderr_file or Path(self.executable).name + ".err"
if options is None:
self.options = []
elif isinstance(options, str):
self.options = shlex.split(options)
elif isinstance(options, list):
self.options = list(options) or []
raise TypeError(
f'"options" should be a string, a list or None, '
f"while it is {type(options)}"
def setup(self, directory="./"):
"""Set up the custodian job. Nothing at this stage."""
pass # pragma: no cover
def run(self, directory="./"):
Run the selected executable.
a Popen process
cmd = [self.executable, *self.options]
with (
open(self.output_file, "w") as f_out,
open(self.stderr_file, "w", buffering=1) as f_err,
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=f_out, stderr=f_err)
return p
def postprocess(self, directory="./"):
"""Postprocess the custodian job. Nothing at this stage."""
pass # pragma: no cover
def dscf(cls, **kwargs):
"""Create custodian TMJob for dscf."""
return cls(executable="dscf", **kwargs)
def ridft(cls, **kwargs):
"""Create custodian TMJob for ridft."""
return cls(executable="ridft", **kwargs)
def jobex(cls, jobex_time=True, **kwargs):
"""Create custodian TMJob for jobex."""
options = kwargs.pop("options", [])
if isinstance(options, str):
options = shlex.split(options)
if jobex_time and "-time" not in options:
if not jobex_time and "-time" in options:
raise ValueError(
"Explicitly asked jobex_time=False while -time option is set."
return cls(executable="jobex", options=options, **kwargs)
def ricc2(cls, **kwargs):
"""Create custodian TMJob for ricc2."""
return cls(executable="ricc2", **kwargs)
def riper(cls, **kwargs):
"""Create custodian TMJob for riper."""
return cls(executable="riper", **kwargs)
def statpt(cls, **kwargs):
"""Create custodian TMJob for statpt."""
return cls(executable="statpt", **kwargs)